Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Land Between by Jeff Manion

I just finished this book...thanks to the recommendation of my mother and sister. I could have never asked for God to speak to me in such a profound way. It spoke to exactly where I am right now. Transitioning in life, but haven't yet turned the corner or reached my Canaan. It can be a scary place.

This book analyzes the life of Moses and gives a direct correlation with my own life. Leaving a place of familiar and landing in the middle between past and destiny. In this place a lot of things can grow joy, peace, sorrow, frustration, fatigue, depression, and the ultimate...diminished faith. The Israelites was a prime example of the growth that occurs in the land between.

Where are you in your journey? Are you contemplating leaving? Just leaving? Stuck in the middle? We always focus on the start and the finish, but what happens between the beginning of the game and the end is not what makes winners. It's what they do in the middle. I used to run track in high school. I realized running the 200 yard dash that yes getting out of the blocks were important and leaning into the tape was important, but if you didn't have stamina to continue pressing until the end that's where you lost it. It's the Land Between.

This is a must read if you have found yourself in The Land Between.