Saturday, June 7, 2014

That's What She Said Soul Journey

That's What She Said Soul Journey: May 19-26, 2014

I had the awesome experience of traveling to Haiti on a missions trip with 11 other women. I knew this trip would be life changing, but I never thought it would be to this magnitude. Life looks different on the other side of my Haiti experience. I just want to share it with any and everyone, but I'm always left feeling that I didn't paint a picture of what my heart feels. I still look around and think of how blessed we really are to be born in America.

I say that with some reservation and hesitation, because I know I'm blessed, but then I feel spoiled. Do I really need everything I have? Can I do with out some of the "things"? Sure, I can. My desires and wants have now changed. I've learned that less is truly more. During this soul journey I had the opportunity to really reflect on the important things in life. God said he would supply all of our needs. My needs are met! But, how is my character?

We have learned to focus so much on the outward that we allow our character to go unchecked we say what we want, treat people how we want, and do what we want without thinking about integrity. Integrity will keep you when you good looks fail you. You know beauty is failing day by day. Look in the mirror, Baby. You are changing day by day.

So what is important in your life? What is lasting? When you complete your life's book who will men say that you are? As Les Brown stated it's not what you leave for your children that will matter, but what you leave in them.

I know I didn't talk much about my trip. I will come again and share some pictures. This is just something that I've learned and reflected on throughout this soul journey. Please go to the website and you can get a glimpse of where I was and the babies we had the opportunity to love. And...feel free to sponsor a child, make a donation, support the mission, or adopt.

God’s Littlest Angels            
God's Littlest Angels

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