Monday, July 28, 2014

The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson

Chapter 1: Ordinary Embraces His Big Dream

  • The Dream Giver gave me a Big Dream before I was even born I just finally woke up to it!
  • My Dream is what I do best and what I most love to do. How could I have missed it for so long?
  • I had to sacrifice and make big changes to pursue my Dream, but it will be worth it.
  • It makes me sad to think that so many Nobodies are missing something so Big.

These are the thoughts of Ordinary after he decides to embrace his big dream. I can remember being in this place just a year ago. I knew there was something on the inside that was tugging and calling for more, but I couldn't see myself being or doing more. I would ignore the pull, disregard the whisper, cast off any thought of being more. I had never seen anyone in my family do what my heart and mind had conceived that I could do. Then I could no longer watch time go by and think that one day my dream would come to me and everything would be what I had always imagined it to be. I got up from my recliner, the place of comfortability, and set off for the place of unfamiliar. Scared? Yes! But, I knew the Dream Giver had given me this dream for more.

I recall sitting at the feet of my mother as she prepared her speeches for church. I would listen to every inflection in her voice. I would watch her motions and how she would stop and jot down something else. Then she would record it, again. When she would leave the house I would go in her room and play her recording. Then I found myself recording my own voice. My dream of being a motivational speaker was conceived.

But, then life happened... I encountered the neigh-sayers. My dream seemed impossible, but the dream never died. Every time I would hear a speaker, in my gut I would think...I can do that! What is it that causes you to say those same words...I CAN DO THAT!!! Don't let your dream die. Go after it with all your heart and soul.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson

Do you have a dream? Does it seem impossible? If so, this is the book for you. My book club will be reading this book. I am excited to see how God will use this metaphoric reading to show us what and who is in our way. God said, When I formed you in your mother's womb I had a plan for you. If you find yourself in a halted position, ready to wave the white flag, this is the book for you. I've read this book several times and each time I feel the wind of God pushing me to be more, do more, and reach for more. We will begin reading July 24th, this gives you time to purchase the book. I frequent, because the books are inexpensive. I'm talking $3...inexpensive. My kind of price!

Genesis 37:5 And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more.

God's Littlest Angels: Haiti

I woke up this morning with Haiti on my mind. The following are just a few of my pictures from my Haiti trip. I will share more...I'm sure. My life will never be the same. It's a moment I always find myself revisiting. I can't wait to go back!

Matthew 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

That's What She Said Soul Journey

That's What She Said Soul Journey: May 19-26, 2014

I had the awesome experience of traveling to Haiti on a missions trip with 11 other women. I knew this trip would be life changing, but I never thought it would be to this magnitude. Life looks different on the other side of my Haiti experience. I just want to share it with any and everyone, but I'm always left feeling that I didn't paint a picture of what my heart feels. I still look around and think of how blessed we really are to be born in America.

I say that with some reservation and hesitation, because I know I'm blessed, but then I feel spoiled. Do I really need everything I have? Can I do with out some of the "things"? Sure, I can. My desires and wants have now changed. I've learned that less is truly more. During this soul journey I had the opportunity to really reflect on the important things in life. God said he would supply all of our needs. My needs are met! But, how is my character?

We have learned to focus so much on the outward that we allow our character to go unchecked we say what we want, treat people how we want, and do what we want without thinking about integrity. Integrity will keep you when you good looks fail you. You know beauty is failing day by day. Look in the mirror, Baby. You are changing day by day.

So what is important in your life? What is lasting? When you complete your life's book who will men say that you are? As Les Brown stated it's not what you leave for your children that will matter, but what you leave in them.

I know I didn't talk much about my trip. I will come again and share some pictures. This is just something that I've learned and reflected on throughout this soul journey. Please go to the website and you can get a glimpse of where I was and the babies we had the opportunity to love. And...feel free to sponsor a child, make a donation, support the mission, or adopt.

God’s Littlest Angels            
God's Littlest Angels

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Land Between by Jeff Manion

I just finished this book...thanks to the recommendation of my mother and sister. I could have never asked for God to speak to me in such a profound way. It spoke to exactly where I am right now. Transitioning in life, but haven't yet turned the corner or reached my Canaan. It can be a scary place.

This book analyzes the life of Moses and gives a direct correlation with my own life. Leaving a place of familiar and landing in the middle between past and destiny. In this place a lot of things can grow joy, peace, sorrow, frustration, fatigue, depression, and the ultimate...diminished faith. The Israelites was a prime example of the growth that occurs in the land between.

Where are you in your journey? Are you contemplating leaving? Just leaving? Stuck in the middle? We always focus on the start and the finish, but what happens between the beginning of the game and the end is not what makes winners. It's what they do in the middle. I used to run track in high school. I realized running the 200 yard dash that yes getting out of the blocks were important and leaning into the tape was important, but if you didn't have stamina to continue pressing until the end that's where you lost it. It's the Land Between.

This is a must read if you have found yourself in The Land Between.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Book Club Reading

We will begin reading Life Interrupted: Navigating the Unexpected by Priscilla Shirer on February 13, 2014. Read along with us so you can blog with me. This book discusses the life of Jonah and how his life was interrupted by God's plan. Is God's plan an interruption or a divine intervention? It's all in your perspective. Allow Priscilla, through the anointing of the holy spirit, to help you change your perspective on your life interruptions.

Why not?

Why not? As I was reading and doing some bible study the Lord asked me this question. I don't know if it's how I was raised, the environment I grew up in, or just my own insecurity, but it's always been in my head to second guess my worth. If God is going to use anyone...why not me?

My desire is to be what God has called me to be. I am not for sure right now what it is, but little by little He keeps revealing himself to me and the plan that He has for my life. Sometimes it takes me stopping long enough to listen to what He is trying to tell me. My life gets so busy at times with the kids that my brain capacity is filled with Mom...Mom...Mom...Mom, that I miss the voice of God, or it sounds like my kid's I ignore it.

Here I am with my fears, my insecurities, my doubts, and all that stuff and I am going forth in God. Mistakes made, hang ups formed, bad habits, frustration and confusion, but I'm here. I feel like Celie from The Color Purple..."I'm poor, black, I might even be ugly, but dear God, I'm here. I'm here." Yeah the latter portion of that quote, not so much the beginning. I'm here!

So Lord if you want to use someone here I am use me. Why not!